Monday, December 15, 2008

Using the Library Catalog Destiny and Introducing Online Resources

I have finally started getting the English classes to come into the Media Center to use our school district library catalog and to introduce the online resources. It has been fun and interesting. Although I am in my first year at a high school I am finding the needs and understanding to be as varied as middle school was. 
The Basics. There is always a need to cover the basics. While most students know about a library catalog, there are enough in each class who have no idea how to use one that it is fun and energetic. We used both the basic Library Search and the Destiny Quest.
As one teacher pointed out, the students don't really see the correlation between what is on the computer screen and that there is a book in the media center that is THAT thing. 
Research for History Day is starting--at least the thinking point. Finding a wealth of primary sources in the World Book Online was an unexpected bonus. I knew that ELM sources would be good for these but it is always good to find more.
Too often we try to soar before we have mastered baby steps. I thought that--being a high school--students would be able to use catalogs backwards and forwards. Not so. In fact, I was just interrupted by a young man who is staying after school. He is an immigrant. He asked what an encyclopedia was. He had just seen the print set as he walked out of the lab with his class. He is so curious. I have so much to learn.