Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Reading Savvy 2.0

It is standardized testing day. Staff and students seem a bit frazzled. Other reasons for stress could be the looming end of the year, plus a continued look at important staff development things like formative assessment. And then there is my disappointment for the day: I got turned down on my request for new library books. 
So on the math standardized test day, here is my equation. 
Old books + reluctant teen readers = my less than successful feelings 
There is only so much that technology can do, 1.0 or 2.0. 
I enjoyed remeeting the word "savvy" about 2 weeks ago. Humans need to be "Reading Savvy" as well as "Tech Savvy". Yes, one can lead to the other, but today is a day that I am questioning where time and effort should be spent for the best bang for the learning buck.

1 comment:

Karen said...

So true, and I hope this idea never gets lost. I believe the reason we are "tech savvy" is largely due to the skills we learn through reading: analysis, comprehension, interpretation, etc. Sorry to hear about your book budget -- keep your chin up and keep trying!